I’ve been meaning to tell you, there are some bees building a hive just above and outside my bedroom window.
Now, from a spiritual perspective, I see Osun in it. I mean, Osun works with honey. She heals and cleanses with honey, and honey is a metaphor for all of Osun’s good works and qualities. So in strictly metaphorical terms, I see Osun there in my life, building and producing these good works.
However, I am seriously allergic to bee stings, so I am also in a bit of a quandary. The bees have not once flown into my window, although I sleep with the window open from time to time. The only reason I know they are there, is because one day about a month ago, I looked out and there it was. They have been busy for real too, because it’s almost twice the size it was then. They sure are working for their Queen.
So, although part of me wants to remind the landlord to move it, a big part of me is just so happy to have Osun’s workers there to remind me that it takes hard work and discipline to make beautiful things happen.
I remain undecided about what to do. I mean, if they don’t bother me, I shouldn’t bother them, ent?
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