So last night, DivaGirl and I were hanging out, she was giving the goods on her love life, while I listened quietly.
We went to get some cigarettes, and while we were standing in the line, she asked for not one, but TWO boxes of large condoms! Now it ain’t that she’s buying condoms, I’m not that prudish or stupid, it was that it’s serious cruelty to stand next to someone who hasn’t had sex since April 1, and do that.
Oh God, so Freudian, I took a small milk chocolate bar, which she had to tell me something about.
I replied, “I read somewhere, chocolate is good for you. What’s more, I am contributing to my ass and the aesthetic appreciation of the African male in the Diaspora.” The line and the cashiers kind of chuckled, but I was deadly serious!
After, Ms DivaGirl left here minutes to midnight, I fooled around in Tribe for an hour then went into my bed, and began to read this paper that someone outside of my family–that we didn’t even KNOW–wrote about my Ancestors and a rebellion that they planned against the white West Indian oligarchy, in at least two or three countries, way back in the late 1700s, early 1800s. It’s spooky!
To think that I am the latest in a long line of troublemakers, and that what’s more, in all likelihood, I am one of those people born into this life again. The view in the Yoruba ideology is that Ancestors, reincarnate in their bloodline, and that families of souls move together in groups. They also speak to us through our dreams.
The amazing linkages that are coming out of this document are enough to raise the pores of anyone, and it has done at least that to me. I can’t go into details, but lawd, lawd, it’s rocking me… really rocking my ass.
Today is a semi-crazy day ahead. I’ve got a meeting with a client in less than half an hour, I have a meeting with a lending agency and 11.30am… a meeting with UT at around 3.30pm, and maybe I’ll get to see Keffi’s doodles the same time… tonight I’m suppose to sleep at Oyadele’s house and in the morning we are going to go look for a stream in the country to take an offering for Osun.
How to get it all done in one day?
Last night I dreamt that my brother and I were on a bridge. He was sitting on his bike, I was standing next to mine. Some faceless man with a chain saw came and used the chainsaw to knock my brother off his bike, and when I saw it happening, I jumped off the bridge (a kind of overpass) into some kind of parking lot below. The faceless man on the bike followed me slowly down a walled incline, and was heading across the carpark to come and, well, ‘deal with me’.
I started to get very, very scared and just before he got close enough to do me any damage, I looked straight at him and heard myself say, “No, no sir, you not going to get me,” and I stopped the dream. Literally the entire scene and the man on the bike faded to black, and it was a conscious choice I made because I didn’t like the dream.
When I got up–I should say, when my mother come into my room at 7am and woke my sleeping ass up–I told her about it.
She did a little reference in a couple of her books and this is what came up:
My brother appearing was about myself, or the denied part of myself, meeting whatever is met in the dream; feelings of kinship; sense of rivalry, feelings about a brother; my outgoing yet vulnerable self.
The motorbike was a representation of youthful drive and motivation; physical energy; restlessness; sexual drive and daring.
Being on the bridge turned up: has the significance of crossing over from one phase of life, activity or emphasis, to another. It depicts a connection between yourself and a relationship; self and opportunity, self and change in life. Jumping off the bridge meant I was getting out of a situation.
Being chased shows how we can be pursued by fears and emotions, and can either continue to avoid them or face them. We are, in a real sense, pursued by what we have created with our thoughts, emotions, action and inaction. What we are avoiding might be sexual feelings, responsibility; expressing what we really feel in public; our fear of death; sense of failure; guilt; emotional pain; grief etc. We can never escape from ourselves, so such feelings may pursue us through life unless we meet them.
Being chased by the opposite sex turns up: afraid of love or sex; haunted by a past relationship.
FROM: DREAM DICTIONARY (An A=Z Guide to your unconscious mind)…
Mummy says the bike and the chainsaw are phallic symbols.
So I am starting the day with a big, “Hmmmmmmm……..”
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