February 19, 2025

“But aren’t you going to run and help her?” Alice asked…
“No use, no use!” said the King. “She runs so fearfully quick you might as well try to catch a Bandersnatch!”

So you’re in love with an Aries girl. I don’t know wether to congratulate you or sympathise with you.

When Byron wrote that “Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart; ’tis woman’s whole existence,” he forgot about the Aries woman. She may think love is her whole existence, but she is too vitally absorbed in the world around her, not to mention in herself, for it to be the beginning and end of her life. She can get along without a man easier than any female you’ll ever meet.

Of course, getting along without a man is not the same as getting a long without romance. She’ll always need that hero of her dreams to yearn for in her heart. He may be long ago and faraway—or hiding just out of sight and touch, somewhere in tomorrow’s mists—but she’ll think about him in an April rain. He’ll haunt her when the first snow falls, when she hears a certain song or sees lightning flash. However, while she’s yearning, if there’s no male around in physical presence, she won’t miss him terribly. Anything he could do, she can do better—she thinks.

The Airies girl, will open her own doors. She”l also put on her own coat, fight her own battles, pull out her own chair, hail her taxi and light her cigarette without any masculine help. Doing it herself is, to her, the fastest way to get it done. Naturally, this doesn’t set too well on the vulnerable male ego. The Mars girl, is determined to take the lead, to be the first to move to action l, and that includes the action of making the first advance in romance. Aries females are the most likely of all the Sun signs to do the proposing, especially if the man is slow about naming the date. And that’s about as early as you can safely show your feelings—when she proposes. Before that you’re taking a chance. Be very careful about moving in on an Aries girl. SHe want to be the leader in the love affair. Better be sure you have her heart safely in your pocket before you try to grab her around the waist and kiss her goodnight. Otherwise, she may give you a sharp right hook to the jaw and run like a frightened deer.

Don’t be mislead. The reason for her running isn’t maidenly modesty. SHe’s not afraid of your passionate intentions. Those she can handle. Her flight is based on the fear of getting tangled up with a worshippping slave or a lovestruck puppy dog, either one of whom would bore her to tears. Be casual, keep her guessing, and the chances are she’ll

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
77 days ago
