So I just this minute put down the phone from the people at the studio where I did my make over, and not only is there the possibility that I’ll get hired to do some work, but most amazing of all, they want me to be a face model for them!!
Me! Isn’t that just cool!
“Ooooooh!!” I cooed, “Ya’ll like my face!”
“Yes,” she says. “You’re pretty.”
“Wow! Thank you!” I giggled!
“You sound like my sister,” she laughs. “You remind me so much of her. I’m going to write it down on a piece of paper and sign it.”
I laughed, “I’d be happy to! JJust tell me what day you want me to come!”
So let me give you the real freak out:
Yesterday, my Baba’s wife sent me an email asking, “So how is the modelling going?”
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