February 15, 2025

This post began as a comment in this, that & whatever back at the beginning of March. That post began as a topic on we have brains .

Here is question:

What do you think about feminine endings, as in “ess”, “ette”, “trix”, etc.? Are they outdated or do they express uniqueness for a female? If you don’t like them as a rule, are there exceptions, like “goddess”?

we have brains

My comment is an early version of what is below:

I am a little annoyed with Miss and Mrs. You never seem to be able to explain to Caribbean people that it is based on you being your father’s property and then your husband’s property. They never seem to understand my position as to why I will not be defined by my relationship to a man.

These terms are the parts of the language that enforce old ideas, old mores that are not and can no longer be held as relevant. The pervasive way in which the language keeps reminding us of our mental slavery to concepts of female inferiority, is quite frustrating. See your sister on the phone, trying to explain this to Customer Service reps, and to people who need to know my name.

Personally, I pass. I don’t say actress or policewoman, or any of those terms any more.

However, I like the word goddess. A Goddess is my Mother. My Mother is a powerful female force…. and She is as feminine and alluring as a Goddess is wont to be, and She is a warrior, a fighter….. my Mama is Osun. It’s an interesting conundrum, to say the least. 😀

Except, in Ifa tradition, all forces in the Universe are balanced…. male/female, ying/yang. God is neither male or female, and we do not refer to Oludumare (God) as such.

However, Orisa… the forces of nature that run through and around this planet, have been interpreted in this male/female polarity. The difference is, female power is not subjugated. Female Orisa are all important and cannot be denied. Osun, my Mother, is a prime example of this. There is a pataki that teaches about this….

Female power in Ifa tradition is respected, because without female perspective and allowance, men cannot rule, cannot survive, cannot achieve, cannot develop or build.

In the dictionary, there is no hint of a Goddess’ powers being dependent on her relationship to a God.

She is described as:
1. A female being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people.
2. often Goddess A female being believed to be the source of life and being and worshiped as the principal deity in various religions. Used with the.
3. An image of a female supernatural being; an idol.
4. Something, such as fame or wealth, that is worshiped or idealized.
5. A woman of great beauty or grace.

Blessings and Good Things.

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
