January 14, 2025

damon4.jpgThe Pan Tribal Confederacy of Indigenous Tribal Nations, is trying to raise money to help Amerindian communities in Guyana develop sustainability.

Among their projects that need sponsorship are a fish-rearing programme, designed to eliminate mercury poisoned fish from the diet of these communities.

They are also trying to develop an iguana breeding programme to bring back the population of the Iguana in the Pakuri Arawak Territory, in Guyana. Because of over hunting, the local iguana population has dwindled dramatically. This is part of their very specific conservation efforts of the Arawak territory, that also include a wildlife sanctuary project.

Other projects: an Arawak-Lokono school, to work against the dying out of the Lokono language, a documentary project to preserve and introduce Arawak culture in South America and to provide school children a glimpse into the Amerindian history of the Caribbean.

The dollar amounts that the Confederacy are asking for are nominal and piddling to a rich country, but it means survival for this vanishing race.

Please take the time to visit The Pan-Tribal Confederacy’s Project Page, and if at all possible, contribute to their efforts.

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Conan Gray
41 days ago
