i saw the sky with new eyes
the blue became…
another hue, another colour
the clouds became…
something else,
became the edge of souls.
great gusts of wind
whipped up the leaves
and turned them into
dancing little fireflies
before my face
the tree into a feather duster that
brushed away the blue
to reveal the infinite connections
between these metamorphosed shades
and us all,
revealed a new dimension
i watched from my angle, the souls rise like unsettled dust,
visible on the light streaming through
the window.
eager, and half remembering
i stood at the edge of my
and fell, and fell, and fell
willingly, happily
into the ‘new’ sky.
it bore up the core of me,
like a graceful mother,
a gentle father
bore me up
the soul centre
larger than the case
bore me up and out
It breathed the vapor-thin fullness of me
into an existence my human mind did not absorb
but the angel-soul did.
I looked down and saw the earth
with new eyes
eyes that belonged to my lucid soul
and i remembered this new place
and forgot the recently familiar.
to return, to return again.
for andrea clare and the recently departed
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