In the last month or two, my blog’s popularity seems to have exploded. Since my birthday, I’ve had just over 1500 visits, from regulars, newbies and the insistent googlebot.
Last week, I made the top ten most read blogs, three times, reaching as high as number five, and even beating out smotty! That was like a jaw dropping moment for me. On Friday, almost 200 people stopped by. Where is all this traffic coming from? Has some one named me as a reader’s pick or something?
The narcissistic part of me, that writes to get a reaction, to develop a readership is quite pleased. Pleased because people enjoy my writing, pleased because people are identifying with what I write about, pleased because google is spidering my blog.
What I’ve also noticed, is that the comment love is picking up too. I like that. I enjoy getting feedback about what I write. I’ve been a writer for too long not to feel particular when people get what the fuck I’m on about.
I’m also getting a lot of love from people outside of JS, and that I think is also cool.
So FYI kiddies, Big Mami is definitely here to stay!!
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