February 16, 2025

I didn’t leave Charlton like I thought I was going to last night.

Instead, I stayed up and limed with monilove, giggled and talked some shit.

I love monilove you know? She’s a good girl.

However, I’ve been nervous the last few days, because I just didn’t want there to be any scenes at all as I was leaving.

This morning, my cousin M came by and got me. I had to leave most of my stuff behind though because he drives a BMW (Black Man Wheels) convertible and well, let’s face it, two boxes of books and shit, plus one suitcase just wouldn’t fit. So I had to leave them behind.

It was a pretty brisk drive down to Kent. My cousin lives in Leybourn Lakes, it’s a nice place; a gated community and he’s a in a three-storey mews-type flat.

Child, the bathroom faucets and toilet took a little guess work to flush and turn on. See ya girl trying to figure out what the fuck to push! But all round it’s a nice place.

The best part by far is the lake. There are swans! Two of them from what I can see and a proper flock of geese and some mallards. I fed them a couple slices of bread and they were noisy! The swans are beautiful… pure white and georgeous.

There’s a wooden deck out in the tiny garden, but I can see already I’m going out there to do my yoga in the morning.

To be honest, I’m a little relieved to be here. My cousin told me he doesn’t come home some nights and he works from early morning when he does come it’ll be late, so it means I’ll have a lot of me time.

There’s SkyTV, DVD player, even xbox if I am so inclined. The big TV (there are two) is some kind of flat screen, plasma deal. HUGE! It takes up most of one wall. The place is stocked with food, so I won’t starve. There’s a beautiful bathtub and a shower. There are actually three bathrooms, one on each floor.

At the very least I am going to be comfortable.

I will miss my friend, but you know, I think this is just a better situation for me right now.

It’s just a little reassuring to be with my family, I guess. It’s hard to imagine, but next week will be a month since I’ve been in London. I am still struggling with the work situation, money is G-O-N-E… however, there are loads of leads… something is going to turn up soon.

I had the most disturbing experience, I went into Woolich on Thursday to see if I could get some money off my card, but when I tried, I couldn’t even get ten pounds… I just don’t understand where it all went.

If I don’t start working soon, I’m just going to go fucking potty in the head. I’m not used to so much down time. I haven’t worked since June!

I have been chomping at the bit, but you know it’s a different ball game up here… there’s no one you can appeal to here. At least my family has my back.

:sigh: It’ll be okay, Orisa did not bring me this far for me to fail and not work.

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
