January 16, 2025


What movie soundtracks do you own?

The Doors, Baz Lurhman’s Romeo And Juliet, The Matrix, The Piano (loved the movie and soundtrack), stuff in MP3s, I can’t be bothered to go look at right now.


How much cash do you usually carry with you?

As little as possible, because I go through periods where I lose everything, cash, keys, bank cards, the works.


Are you more comfortable around men or women? Why?

Definitely men. I understand them better, and they’re far less complicated than women. I find them so much more interesting than women. I read men’s magazines quicker than women’s magazines too.

Main Course

What is the most mischievous thing you remember doing as a child?

I was the Queen of Mischievousness. I cannot pick out one incident to tell you, there were hundreds. Ask my parents.


Who is the funniest member of your family?

It’s a toss up. I come from a family of people with funny bones. I’d say my brother, because his sense of humour is both goofy and loftily cerebral at the same time.

Source: Friday’s Feast

(Yes I know it’s late.)

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
43 days ago
