February 15, 2025

This hurricane is supposed to hit Barbados, and my mother is down there alone in the house!

So I am freaking out now!!

I have to go and light a candle for my mother right now.

It’s so frustrating, as I type the only news I could get was this anaemic article from the Jamaica Observer, that barely mentions Barbados, only fucking Air Jamaica’s flight cancellations (like I give a fuck! How is this considered journalism?), and Reuters’ article from two days ago.

The Nation Newspaper also has no reporting at all…. what the FUCK!!

This is 2004, I should be able to read what is going on in Barbados if I need to. In situations like this, I know I am not the only person with family in Barbados who can’t get through and are worried. It’s like everybody forgets that you have to keep the pipe flowing…. where are the intrepid reporters, pumping out information for the world to latch on to? DAMNIT!

Although, with Cable & Wireless still sitting down over the Caribbean like a duck with a golden egg, it’s quite likely their inept and aged equipment has failed everyone on the island.

ARRRRGGGGHHHHH! I’m so frustrated!

I tried calling my mother, but there’s no answer!

I’m just so worried!!!

My mother sends me this e-mail and says that the hurricane is going to hit, but not to worry, she is all ready.

Knowing my mother, she is. She’s like deadly practical and has probably been ready for the Hurricane season since April.

:sigh: Still worrying though… you never know what is going to happen in storms like this.

Thing is, Barbados hasn’t actually been hit by a Hurricane since the 50s. Hurricane Janet she was.

All other hurricanes glance by… they appear as though they’re going to hit, but then the veer to the left or right of the island and then go on to devestate someone else’s island.

Maybe this is the year Barbados doesn’t escape.



I’m starting to find a few things…

Of course, first one to find was an article written by my friend Robert Sandiford…

Barbados, east Caribbean brace for Hurricane Ivan

Hurricane Ivan threatens Barbados, east Caribbean

However, this is all from yesterday… nothing from today as yet. I take comfort that the island is still asleep as I type. Maybe some more news later.

Everyone I love is being threatened by this fucking storm! Both in Bim and Trini…

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
