February 15, 2025

The editors are pleased to announce the fifth annual New Criterion Poetry Prize for a book-length manuscript of poems that pay close attention to form. We suggest that entrants view past winners to gain a clearer understanding of what this entails.

This year, manuscripts will be judged by Roger Kimball, Hilton Kramer, Charles Martin, A. E. Stallings, and David Yezzi. The winner will receive $3000 and the winning manuscript will be published by Ivan R. Dee, Chicago.

Please address manuscripts to:

The New Criterion Poetry Prize

900 Broadway, Suite 602

New York, NY 10003


Submission Guidelines:

An entrance fee of $15, by money order or certified check, must accompany each manuscript. Personal checks will not be accepted.

Manuscripts should not exceed sixty pages in length.

Electronic submissions will not be accepted.

Submissions must be postmarked no later than 30 September 2004.

The winner will be announced in December 2004.

Manuscripts will not be returned.

Deborah Warren’s book Zero Meridian, winner of the fourth annual New Criterion poetry prize, is forthcoming in October 2004 from Ivan R. Dee.

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
