February 15, 2025

My cousin (Leila) and Aunt Lil are coming for me in the morning and I am out of here. Going to Clacton-by-the-Sea… far as shite, but most importantly not here.

I haven’t told my cousin I’m leaving, but I’m going to write a little letter and leave it for him instead.

What would I say to his face, “Thanks for having me, but your assholishness is too much for me, and your company is no company at all, so I’m out of here”?

So there it is, I may not have time to blog tomorrow, so I’m trying to get this in before I go.

I also don’t know when I’m going to be online again, so allyuh doan feel no how if you don’t hear me for a few days.

Just be glad I’m getting myself free of this place and these people. :sigh: I shall miss the broadband, the lake, the ducks, geese and the swans and little else. Don’t you think it’s bad to live with someone three months and have NO CLUE who they are? I mean, beyond obviously superficial personality traits?

This was the first time that me and my cousin had a chance to spend time together in twenty years, to get to know each other beyond flying visits to Barbados, when we both happened to be there at the same time.

Seems a shame he couldn’t have been nicer to me. It’s hard when he’s nice to all his friends and such, but can’t spare me a hello or goodbye, or a friendly conversation about anything, or for that matter a helping hand.

Maybe I am just ungrateful; but I’m glad not to have to listen to his pretensive ass girlfriend, who talks in that typical way that Bajans who ‘born behind the bush’ somewhere do. ‘Great’ is what most Bajans would call it, like she has marbles in her mouth and she’s trying to impress someone, precisely who I do not know, since I don’t care if you come from behind the bush, I care if you’re a good person. I’m glad I shall be away from her little digs, and her patronising habit of talking to me like I am a child, despite a mere two years between our ages.

I am not ungrateful; I appreciate deeply that I had a roof over my head, and somewhere to stay… but this time here has been unneccessarily hard for absolutely no reason and both my cousin and his girlfriend had no excuse for the way they treated me. They did it that way because they could.

That’s it… Big Mami out, oui?

(His girlfriend just asked me if I was going to be long, because apparently my typing on the computer is too loud and bothering her. FUCK, I’m so glad to be getting out of here.)

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
