January 14, 2025

Well here I am.

Yesterday, I was waiting for my money from last weekend’s working experience at Embargo, this club in Chelsea, about to spend my last 5 pounds on a tube pass to go see one of my oldest girlfriends, Ms. G, when I got a phone call. I was broke and smoking my last cigarette,  my foot on the step to the footpath over the train tracks near where I’m staying in Charlton, when I answered.

Remember DJ Tillah Willah, our ‘erstwhile’ rentaempress?

“How are you? Whas de scene?”

“I need some sex, I need somewhere to live and I need some money,” I said in my typically blunt way.

“Well ah cyan help wit the sex, ah cyan help ya wit de place to live, but I think I might be able to help you with the money part.”

My eyes went heavenward and I let out a silent ‘Thank You!’ to all the Spirits that love, protect and help me.

“Tillah I love YOU!”

She told me she had a parttime gig for me, helping get the socafm.com web site up to snuff. Not paying much, but definitely work for the next month.

I knew something was going to work out. I cooked for my Egun the night before. It was my first time cooking for them since I’ve been in England and I knew they weren’t going to let me down. And they didn’t; they haven’t and they won’t.

So I’m here in Acton town, (AT WORK!) starting to tweak the site.

The two guys who run the business, have pretty much said they’ll see if they can find a way to keep me full time, but for now, I’m going to be working one day a week or so (maybe two) for the next month.

Oh GAWD, even better, I’m working with Mambo CMS, which I’ve been working heavily with for the last four or five years. I’m so pleased with that.

Then a few minutes ago, the partner in the business, who is based in New Jersey, talked with me in the phone. He runs a consultancy and he has clients right now who need my skills, and he says he’s going to find more work for me.

And even better, allyuh. Ya ready?

I have an interview next week with Vodafone for a content manager gig. Only that job is in Berkshire, which is pretty far out.

Tell ya oui, when it rains, it pours and I am flying today. I’ve been doing what I love all day, and listening to a live radio stream of hardcore soca since 11.30am this morning.

It looks like the worst of the struggle is over.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon talking shite with one of my best friends in the world, and it was just so good to bask in the conversation of the hilarity the two of us generate in each other’s company since the first day we met eighteen years ago.

I am feeling a kind of elation I haven’t felt since the afternoon I got on the plane to come to England.

Thank you guys for your prayers and support. It’s all worked. Believe me, they have worked!

Big Mami going and do some work now.

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
41 days ago
