February 18, 2025

The Binnacle Ultra-Short Competition

http://www.umm.maine.edu/binnacle/short.asp 2004-05 Competition

The Binnacle will sponsor its second international Ultra-Short competition

in the 2004-2005 academic year. We are looking for poetry of sixteen lines

or less and prose works of 150 words or less. This year we are also

including a separate category for digital imagery. Imagery can include

photography (color or b&w), line drawing, or other original digital imagery.

As the contest will be printed in a small format, images that present well

in a small space are encouraged. Digital images should be submitted via

postal mail on a CD or posted on a web site for our viewing. Please do not

send these in attachments. Please include SASE if you would like the media

returned. All submissions should be made via email to [email protected].

Three cash prizes will be awarded in the amounts of $150, $100, and $50*. At

least one of the prizes will go to a UMM student. Please submit no more than

two works total, prose and/or poetry. There is no submission fee. Deadline

for submission will be February 15, 2005. (Some notices may say February 1,

but February 15 will be the deadline.) Notifications will be made by May 15,

2005. Publication date will be May, 2005, but printing may not be completed

until October, 2005. Awards will be made at the time of publication. *In the

event of a tie, we will re-distibute the prize money as deemed appropriate.

$300 represents the minimal amount of prize money to be awarded.


malik m.l. williams

BrothaLove Images

Tel. 404-808-6873

[email protected]


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Conan Gray
75 days ago
