In this phase you will be able to take advantage of an opportunity that will come across, which will bring about some innovation in the way you behave. In work, you will be assigned some really important duties. In love, some jealousy scenes are probable.
You have a lot to lose. Whether it’s actually endangered is another matter. Be on the lookout for disruptions in the pattern. If you accuse someone of a crime, he or she may fulfill your expectations out of spite.
Ability is nothing
without opportunity.
– Napoleon Bonaparte
He who has conquered doubt and fear
has conquered failure.
– James Lane Allen
Do what you can,
with what you have,
where you are.
– Theodore Roosevelt
We must indeed
all hang together,
or, most assuredly,
we shall all hang separately.
– Benjamin Franklin
Of all forms of caution,
caution in love is perhaps
the most fatal to true happiness.
– Bertrand Russell
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