February 18, 2025

Black boys ‘should be taught separately’

7.07AM, Mon Mar 7 2005

Black boys may have to be taught separately from their peers to help them do better at school, the Commission for Racial Equality has said.

The chairman of the race relations watchdog, Trevor Phillips, said the radical move may be necessary as many are failing to get good GCSEs.

Last month, figures showed black teenagers are continuing to lag far behind their white classmates at GCSE level.

In 2004, just 35.7 per cent of black Caribbean pupils in England scored at least five C-grades at GCSE, compared with a national average of 51.9 per cent.

Mr Phillips also called for tougher action against black fathers, questioning whether they should be denied access to their sons if they refuse to attend school parents’ evenings.

He said many black boys are suffering from a culture where it is not cool to be clever, and that they lack self-esteem and good role models.

“We need more male black teachers, tempting them with extra cash if necessary. I was one of the few lucky ones who escaped the fate of most black men of my generation.

“We need to embrace some new if unpalatable ideas both at home and at school. None of us, least of all the next generation of black children, can afford a repeat of the last 40 years.”

Meanwhile, a Department for Education and Skills spokesman said: “The proportion of Black Caribbean, Black African and other Black pupils achieving 5 or more A* to C grades at GCSE and equivalent in 2004 has improved by more than 2.5 per cent against the average improvement of 1.2 per cent.

“This shows that minority ethnic groups are making real progress and are closing the gap. Our strategies to tackle minority ethnic underachievement through Aiming High and Excellence in Cities are working.

“But there must be no room for complacency and we must maintain this upward trend, so that the gap is closed even further and that all pupils regardless of their ethnic or cultural background fulfil their potential.”

From: ITN News

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Conan Gray
75 days ago
