February 15, 2025

Today was a hairy day. Not just because I’d been working on a mini-project and it was a deeply frustrating thing, because what should only be one or two steps turned out to be like fifteen or sixteen steps and something was cocking up along the way. No, it was much more than that.

First off, like I knew it would be, I need to leave Ms. G’s this weekend. There’s simply no more time here. We talked and laughed way past my bedtime last night, but it was just as well I guess.

Then, here I am, waiting since last week to get paid, and no money yet in the bank and this >week’s money due. I’m making plans to pay a deposit and rent on a flat so I can move in this weekend, but lo and flicking behold, when I call my agency to enquire about my money, it turns out they never recieved instructions that I should be  paid. So for a while it was looking like my plans to move were going to have to be put on hold until next weekend, and I thought that would just be fucking unbearable.

So…. there I am, crying by myself in the bathroom freaking out.

However, things are rarely what they seem. Turns out, the confirmation that I had worked the days I was to be paid for went to the wrong person, and we tracked it down. So the agency and the payroll company have literally all come together and are going to pay me two weeks pay in advance and sort out the rest of it between themselves. So GOD/DESS willing, my plans to move to my own place this weekend will pan out if I can get somewhere I like and can afford.

Other than that, all is moving along and going alright. Finally got the mini-project up and running and well… there’s just one more day until the weekend. I hate that I’ve turned into a clock watcher.

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
