February 15, 2025

Well, well, well…. I gots news for ya babies.

Thursday and Friday evenings after work, I went to see flats. Friday night I saw a flat share in Marylebone that was looking workable, but wasn’t going to become available until sometime in April. Chile, I was looking to find somewhere right away. I don’t think I could have lasted anymore with that ‘getting-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn-to-go-to-work’ business, not even another week. The next place, in Bayswater, was a S-H-O-E-B-O-X! Teeny tiny, and cramped, and on the second floor but very, very cheap for the location. I would have done it though, because you can walk to Paddington in less than ten minutes from there… on the tube, two minutes tops…

Now all week I had this funny feeling in my stomach that it was going to be the Queens Park studio I was going to take; but you know, you have to explore as many options as possible.

On Saturday, my girl Ms. G, met me after a Friday night, late night dick run, at Queen’s Park train station to go view the flat in Queens Park.

As soon as I walked in, I knew it! This is the one, my belly rumbled. It’s a cute little butter coloured studio flat, with a huge ground to ceiling bay window. It’s got a tiny kitchenette and a fair sized bathroom with a postage stamp sized shower stall and a double bed.

The guy asked me when I wanted to take it, and I asked him if I could come that night. We cut a deal on the deposit and the rent, and signed the paperwork and got my keys and pow! Ms G and I went back to her place in Fulham, and I called around and got a taxi to come and collect me, and by 7.30pm that night I was there.

After a quick run to the corner shop for coffee, bread and juice. I fell fast asleep. The early Sunday morning sunlight found me in my own place, just glad to finally have my own space.

So there you have it darlings, I’m independent in London at last.

On the way to the flat on Saturday night, I told the taxi driver I was excited because for me, my life in England began on Sunday for real. I am suddenly feeling human again. Like a brand new person!

I shall take pictures for you….

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
