So I’m 11 days away from the end of my contract here, and as yet no one has told me whether or not they’re going to renew it for another three months.
I’m kind of worried about it, but not worrying, you know. I know they’re severely under-resourced at the moment, because we lost two people over the last two weeks; so somehow I don’t think they’ll send me home.
That said, I’ve been sending out CVs and getting some serious callbacks. One today seems particularly promising.
Right now, my feet are killing me because the shoes I’ve been wearing are deforming my feet. Every step has become excrutiating and I stopped wearing my heels weeks ago (mahie, you know the ones… Oxford St.? Had to ban them in my condition.
I’m now on Day 10 without a day off… and I feel fine.
Getting paid soon, although the agency is definitely on some bullshit. I swear, I really am beginning to dislike the whole set up. I quite like the people I am working with and for, but the agency who placed me hear have the devil in dey ass.
Other than that, all is copasetic; on an even keel.
I’m not starving, my rent is paid, my bills are paid. I’m alright.
Kind of really missing my brother though. It’s been months and months since we’ve seen each other, and well, we’ve never gone this long without seeing each other. Not once in 30 years. I just miss shooting the shit, watching movies, smoking and arguing.
I’d like to get this job they called about today. It’s less money than what I’m making now, but it’s enough to live in London, and I’ll be saving the hideous expense of travelling to the office I’m in now. HIDEOUS expense…. £400/mth. (RIDICULOUS! And the trains are rarely on time either so I don’t know what I’m paying for.)
That said, London is in bloom. The cherry blossoms, apple blossoms are flowering… the trees are getting back their clothes…. there’re two fields I pass every day that are beautiful yellow… miles of yellow flowers.
Life is alright. All things considering.
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