February 13, 2025

momentsrelaxedI been Loving You Too Long — Otis ReddingWell, when it rains it pours. More calls today from agencies, and here’s a little kicker: two agencies want to put me forward for the same job. It’s a little sticky. I personally have little sympathy for the agencies, they’re mostly mercenary and there’s something uncomfortable and parasitic in the nature of their business. They make money every day for me actually doing the work.

Also, previous experiences with agencies in England have all been thick with difficulties and outright fuck ups, so I’m not feeling any sentimentality when it comes to loyalty. They certainly have little for me, let me tell you. It’s a game…

The good news, I have an interview on Friday for a real sweet something at yet another big name mult-national. It’s a quite a challenging and interesting role.

I am for the most part living on my own time and being mostly anti-social. It’s just after the horrendous super commuting, I am now to the point where I don’t even want to see a bus or a train. I’ve been sleeping when I want, eating when I want and keeping no schedule at all.

I never did go to 3Suns show, and declined all invitations to parties and limes. I’ve been to the cash machine and the corner store and no further for more than a week. Yesterday I had to go return the extra memory I had bought for my laptop, because it was choking my system resulting in all manner of hell. It took many, many frustrating attempts including wiping the drive and reinstalling before a hardware test revealed the devilsh fucker.

So out it went, and trotted down to Micro Anvika where I got it and swapped and upgraded it. Also got a cute little fly light and a screen protector. I’ve figured out that computers are a racket; designed to get you to keep spending money on them. Ah fuck it…

So I’ve done little else but watch movies and listen to music and read magazines for going on seven days. You know this is bliss, don’t you?

I am looking forward to more of the same, but now must regularise my sleep patterns for re-entry into 9-5 reality again.

I am feeling calm, relaxed. Despite all the pressures and stresses, I am feeling cool…. omi tutu helps… ori tutu they call it (calm head). Of course, all the sleeping helps.

I suspect I will move soon. Damn the deposit on this flat. If I can get a good permanent job somewhere, I will find a way to be close to it.. as long as I can stay within London’s boundaries, I’m quite happy. I’d be glad to get away from this one room and get a little more space. Anyway, that is down the road and dependent on a few too many ‘ifs’.

So, it looks like things is changing, oui? Like Otis sang it,’ change is goan come’.

I’m torn as to what to do about the two agencies. Should I be mercenary too and let them both put me forward, or should I just stick to the first agency that called me about it? The woman who called told me that there was going to be competing agencies, and if anyone else approached me I should say I was already being represented for this role.

I don’t know if being put forward twice helps me as a candidate more than it generates acrimony. I need time to think about this.

For the moment, I’m trying to just wrap my mind around these new developments. I am wanted. I am a candidate for really good jobs, and I am doing something with myself.

I don’t know. I think this is a good time to invest in a suit. Something striking.

I am not nervous in the least. People are people and work is work. There’s no point in getting ‘worked’ up. :smiles: Actually, there’s no point in being nervous, and interviewers can smell fear… more than a decade in journalism made me realise that. Also, I’ve been interviewed for newspapers, radio, television and done interviews in all manner of media and with all kinds of people, ran my own business… it’s true what I say: people are people.

Besides, if I don’t get it, that’s not the one. Anyway, I have a essay to write for the interview. I’m looking forward to the experience. There are some interesting experiences.

Monilove is going to come over and tighten my locks, I have the means to go look for a power outfit, and I am going to PREPARE (it’s the Girl Guide in me).

So there you go, that’s my report.

I am in a semi-languished state, but by no means inactive in terms of looking for work. Things are moving along nicely. s

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
70 days ago
