I forgot to tell allyuh dis one.
On Thursday, when I was making movements up and down London town, naturally mode of transport is the Tube under seige.
People talk about being in a war zone, but with the Tube still under threat, Londoners are definitely in a war zone if you are usuing the Tube.
Every time I’ve gone out since July 7, I’ve seen cops riding the Tube, and definitely more than usual.
On Thursday, I used maybe four or five tube lines, and on every one there were three or four cops riding, cops standing on platforms, near the turnstiles, etc. etc.
When I got on the Jubilee line, nowhere was I more conscious of being in a ‘war zone’, as there were nine, count ’em, NINE cops in the car I was riding in.
I mostly ignored them, as I was still reading Dune, and well those that know me, know I travel not without a book; it’s an assured guard against the demon known as boredom. However, nine cops in BRIGHT highlight yellow, is kind of hard to ignore.
I suppose you get inured to it, but I couldn’t be help thinking I’m glad I’m not young, male and Muslin. Apart from being crippled by sucky attitudes to women, one would have the misfortune of being looked sideways constantly.
Now that I type that, I must recant. Blonde dreadlocks going down one’s back makes for many sidelong glances. Still, the likelihood of me being run down and shot in the head and shoulders eight times, decreases dramatically all the same.
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