Thing is with this whole cutting hair business, is I forgot about implements.
I haven’t owned a comb or a brush in seven years so today I went out and got a brush today and it was a trip.
I really don’t want to get into a whole hair regime, but I know I want to take care of my hair. One of the things I love about short hair is you can wash it every day; you can brush and brush and brush… you don’t need to do anything to it. Because it’s a low military cut, I have no ties to a ‘maintenance’ routine.
The Nice Man keeps asking when I’m going to grow it back, but you know I don’t know if I am in a whole big hurry to grow it out. I like the lightness of my head at the moment. I am savouring the feeling.
So I’m thinking that the novelty hasn’t worn off yet, but I remember loving my short hair for a long time before feeling moved to grow it out again. I can understand why, because I am digging the baldness, the unencumbered turns of my head, the weightless feeling of my head without a mane to support. It’s marvellous oui…
Chile, I am plotting a fedora. I want a nice ladies fedora I can put on and pull down over one eye. Plotting a whole lotta hats actually. Hats and scarves. It’s getting cold and I’m going to need to keep my head warm. Yes Keefs, I heard ya, but I just couldn’t stand it any more… it was like a ‘now or never’ moment. So I admit it, I’ve taken to wearing a little skully around the house to keep I head warm.
HA… I’m just loving the feel of my scalp after so long. Feeling bumps forgot I had…
TillahWillah! Ya lapsing chick, whey de camera dem?
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