lj-mood: discomfort
lj-music: I Predict A Riot — Kaiser Chiefs
My dear friends… it would appear that I am in early labour.
This morning around 3.30 – 3.45 am, lightning and thunder woke me up, along with a painful tightening in my pelvis. Rain began pouring, and for a while I thought my bladder was acting up again as per previous occasions.
However, as the time dragged on, and several trips to the bathroom did not yield much pee volume, I began to realise that these painful cramp like things were too regular. What’s more… after an early morning bowel movement (yeah, yeah, fuck all that TMI folks, this is what the body does) I saw a reddish/pinkish/brown discharge that could only be the ‘bloody show’. And the thunder and lightning and rain kept on until sunrise…
So, for the last several hours now, I’ve been weathering some contractions. The show has begun…. I can also feel the baby pushing his way down.
There’s a little part of me that’s scared this may be a false alarm, there’s a part of me that’s scared this is the real thing… there’s a part of me that’s just plain nervous… but you know… at any rate, it really won’t be long now.
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