lj-music: … Andante maestoso — Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
My son is a month old!
I know that doesn’t seem like much, but it went so quickly. I’m already mourning how fast the time will continue to go. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy this time, and I really am. Considering how stressful my pregnancy was, so far motherhood is definitely falling on the ‘doable’ side of things.
My son is getting so big, it’s unbelievable. I have to put him in his smallest onesies everyday, even the good stuff so at least he gets to wear them. Things that fit him loosely two weeks ago are now clearly not going to last much longer. And why not? He eats a phenomenal amount. He loves his bubby, and I’ve been giving him an extra bottle of formula to supplement his diet because it’s so hard to keep up with him. He still gets mostly breast milk, but the extra bottle holds him a little longer.
I have had a few cases of exploding poo… (stepcorrect: there will be no photos!) Like he stored it all up and when he let it go, it completely overwhelmed the diaper. Last Saturday, I came to find him poo leaking, and him swinging in his swing, just oblivious. This time Big Mami there thinking the child has developed diarrhea or some nasty bowel disease, and going “Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Don’t panic!” in my head like DangerMouse.
Of course, my Girl Guide self kicked in like gangbusters and I got through my induction to Exploding Poo, but it was a near thing let me tell ya!
My baby also has a tendency towards gas. Not because the milk is giving him gas, but because he’s a greedy little boy. When he latches on to any nipple, mine or the bottle, he tends to gobble and suck down a lot of air. Plus he lets go of the nipple during the feeding, so he gets more air. So I end up having to burp him more than once during each feeding. Which I guess is good, because at least I slow him down.
When he was born, and he passed meconium on the way out, The Old Ladies (my grandmother’s friends) said that it was because while he was up there, he figured it was taking too long and decided to have something to eat. Apparently old time thing says babies that pass meconium on the way out are greedy babies… and at any rate Dayo is definitely a boy with an appetite. (If that’s all he really inherits from his father, I guess I can live with it.)
Here’s the weird thing about my boy that I haven’t quite figured out yet. He makes a lot of noise. I mean seriously. He has a purring thing he does in his sleep… and he sighs a lot in his sleep as well, but he grunts a lot too. It’s strange. He grunts when he’s got to pass gas. He grunts when he has to fart (and he farts a lot and musically). He grunts in his sleep when he has to pass gas and fart. It’s truly strange to listen to. It’s no accident I call him my Old Man, because that’s what he sounds like: An old man. It’s a little quirk I’m telling you, I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but it’s one of his ‘things’.
Other that, he’s a really easy baby. He cries when he’s hungry. He cries (sometimes) when he wants to be changed. He cries when he’s sleepy. He cries when he wants me to come give him a cuddle. There’s no mysterious crying at all. No “I-don’t-know-whats-wrong-someone-rescue-me-from-this-squalling-alien-please” kind of crying. He used to cry when I changed his diapers, but there’s less and less of that as the days progress. He still cries when I bathe him, but all babies do that. I’m sure there will come a time when getting him out of the bath will be the problem.
He’s a sweetie pie… and absolute sweetheart. It’s a pleasure taking care of him.
Today is his first visit to the pediatrician. It’s 7.42 am, and he’s bathed and dressed and swinging in his swing. BTW: The swing is the BEST MONEY I’VE SPENT ON MY CHILD!!! My goodness! Even when he’s at his fussiest, if you put him in the swing he’ll just drift off eventually. Even as I type, I look at him and am awed how much he’s grown. When I first put him in the swing it swallowed him. now he’s beginning to fill the space…
I know it’s only been a few weeks, but I’m totally digging this mudsy thing.
New pics posted to my Dayo set over at Flickr.
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