lj-music: Battlestar Galactica, 0304 “Exodus Pt. 2”

Above are two separate Number Threes. One is D’Anna Biers (the yellow top), one is the Number Three from the “Downloaded” episode.
As I watch the show, especially this season, where the Cylons and their culture is more prominently featured, I wonder how they tell each other apart.
They seem to know which one is Boomer, which one is Athena. They seem to know who is D’Anna, and who’s just plain old Three… Which one is Starbuck’s Leoben? (I still want to know which model number Leoben and Cavil are.) How is it that everyone knows who Caprica Six is, and the difference between her and let’s say the militant Six who was on Caprica AFTER the attacks…. clearly the Six in Baltar’s head, is NOT the Six he had an affair with on Caprica, and who he’s picked up with now.
They all look the same, how is it that they know how to tell each other apart? I am immensely curious about this.
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