February 13, 2025

I’ve come up to London for the day. My cousin’s girlfriend works in London and she stayed the night last night and brought me up this morning.

Plenty cheaper and well, I got into London at 7.30am this morning.

She parked her car near her house, and we ran for ten minutes to the train station so we could get the train on time. It was quite funny.

I got into Waterloo Station, and spent a frustrating fifteen minutes trying to call a friend of bluey’s who said he’d help me if I needed a place to stay.

I couldn’t get through. So I called the very lovely likewise instead. likewise–who is a Londoner by all accounts–and I met up for a coffee and ciggies near Waterloo Station this foine, er, afternoon.

The first thing she said to me was, “I thought you were going to be taller.”

I had to admit it, “I am a smurf.”

And I am, for anyone else who is wondering, I am five foot two and a half inches tall. Although, I’m told that I give off an illusion of height.

“Well you’re wearing blue, so that fits in. Smurfs are blue.”

However, I felt I had to point out I was wearing pink, having abandoned myself to London’s pink madness. Only my Levi’s jacket was blue. (That led to a whole side discussion by itself.

We walked down to the river side, very near where she works, and we chatted for almost an hour and a half, sipped coffee and she rolled her cigarettes (quite proficiently might I add) while I just whipped them out of the Richmond Kings packet.

She is my kind of people. I’m supposed to crash at her pad tonight, because I can’t get a ride back into Kent tonight. My cousin’s girlfriend isn’t going back, and well

I walked her back to her office building, then made my way back to Waterloo.

Earlier, in the day I got a phonecall from Wildegirl, one of my Tribers (never mind her ‘lurker’ status)and we talked on the phone while I sat in Green Park.

She told me about this West Indian lime tonight (I don’t know where) and invited me to come. I readily accepted, because you know, up here you need to connect with your people however vicariously.

While I was heading back down into the Waterloo tube station, I got a call from this guy who has a printery around Aylesford, in Kent where I am staying.

I called him after pulling off an ad for an ‘Experienced Mackintosh Operator’ from a Jobpoint in a JobCentre in Maidstone on Monday.

He said I should call back today and he would let me know about an interview. Except, I clean forgot about it when I took off into London this morning. I’ve had cabin fever and have been most eager to get out of Kent and you know, connect with someone.

I thought he’d forget about me. He didn’t.

“So what can I tell you about a job?” He asked.

I was falbbergasted. “I’d love for you to tell me something about a job!”

So we set up an interview for tomorrow! So there you go. I’m currently researching how to get to his location via Kent’s expensive ass bus system.

Then Wildegirl is going to come downstairs in a minute and fetch me (I believe I am in the basement in the computer room) and we’re off to this lime full of West Indians!!

How can this day get better? Unless there’s a divine man I can flirt with at this lime and dazzle with my wit and intelligence. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Wildegirl even made me dinner. I’ve been wandering around London today with ten pounds in my pocket, which will not get me back to Kent and to this job interview tomorrow. However, I know something will work out.

I’m going to get there if I have to walk from the train station.

I’m feeling better. See what JS Love and Tribe Love can do?

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
70 days ago
