FastMac, a well-known Apple reseller, just released a collection of limited edition t-shirts to celebrate Apple’s 25th anniversary; and they totally rock.
Using classic Apple iconography the t-shirts are reasonably priced, and good quality. Even if like me you live in a relative Mac Lover’s desert, and the joke will largely be lost on the population, these designs are delightful.
Although the Anniversary shirts only number three, there are some other designs available as well.
My current favourites are the shillouette of the 80s jogger and sledgehammer from the iconic 1984 ad that launched the Mac, and the ‘Obamac’ variations… those totally mash two of my favourites up together… what more can a third world geek girl want in a t-shirt? I want all, and I want a real Obama t-shirt too.
My birthday is in two-and-a-half months, so if anyone is so inclined, this is on the list. 🙂
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