I stumbled across this article, this article in myalltop, and found myself engrossed in the what the article was saying.
However, when I dug down another layer, I found this article, also from myAlltop, and found it to be an even more fascinating experiment.
A handful of people around the world with a background in content management got together on Google Wave, and collaboratively wrote the post. While the produced article was a very interesting read, with many points I entirely agreed upon, I found “I Predict A (CMS) Riot: 1 hour, 6 People, 1 Wave, 1 Post” a far more interesting read, because of how the post was created.
It’s also making me quite itchy to get into Wave… 🙁
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ian Truscott, ndelamiko lord. ndelamiko lord said: Google Waved Blog Post Makes For Interesting Reading On CMS http://ff.im/-aufzP […]