February 16, 2025

Ya’ll need to submit an application to management for a anti-brainwash…

Further notes:

1) That is a statue of a female enuch whose likeness and attributes were stolen from Isis and all other Great Mother goddesses. It is, above all else, the deification of European women and European culture in the place where the woman who is the Great Mother of all humanity came from: ALKEBULAN. What you are seeing is the whitewashing of the deep brown woman of Alkebulan who gave birth to every human on earth. If you buy this, God help you. God/dess help us all.

2) The statue is not holding a child, it is holding a cross and flowers. Whether you’d like to admit or not Beatrice Amollo, this is not ‘missionary work’ this is an agent of the Devil–however you choose to define that term (drop the D, and capitalise the E and that still appropriately defines the agency of this white hatted, white suited demon–executing a very careful crafted plan for the demise of the ‘brown’ peoples of earth.

I don’t know about any of you, certainly I won’t swear for Beatrice Amollo, however I cannot subscribe to the extreme self-hatred that resonates and permeates almost every element of this photograph be it subject, composition or my reaction to it (revulsion).

I simply can’t get down like that…. I choose to live up to my name and be a light-bearer…

God’s love on us all…

It never fails to amaze me how happily ignorant of their own history most people are.

This is a European teaching the European God and the European Word…

How do you all simply turn a blind eye to the ORIGIN of religion, scripture and the message of the righteous in favour of a politically contrived, racially motivated megalomaniacal culture that has nothing in mind for you but a slavery whose chains you don’t see.

I know you don’t want to hear my opinion. Your minds have been conditioned to believe this gobbledegook, and for me to buss up in here and be unapologetic about the lack of ANY HISTORICAL basis for the spiritual enslavement of SO MANY PEOPLE, will not change your mind.

Be free to continue to empower the people who are sucking your lives into their web of deceit and manipulation. Brush off my words and sentiments as nothing more than vituperative invective… I will continue to feel free to dissent openly.

If your ‘religion’–that hodgepodge of religious practises from the so-called ‘pagans’ and the outright manufacture and engineering of ‘Christian religious thought’–seeks to tell me what to feel about my sex, my skin colour, my ethnic heritage, my soul’s allegiance to ALKEBULAN, then by God/dess, be prepared to hear my mouth on the matter.

I refuse to accept the authenticity or authority of European culture or it’s peoples when it comes to God. The people of Alkebulan invented all the languages and rituals to interact with God millenia before Europeans even understood the concept.

Everything they are telling you about their version of God, is THEIR INVENTION MODELLED ON OUR TRIED AND TRUE BELIEFS, WHITEWASHED AND SOLD BACK TO US.

The ONLY ROAD TO SAVING ALKEBULAN AND HER SONS AND DAUGHTERS IS TO RETURN TO OUR OWN LANGUAGES, RITUALS AND BELIEF SYSTEMS. Until then, the souls of our wronged and wounded Ancestors, long denied and marginalised, but on whose shoulders we will EVER stand, will continue to cry from beyond the veil.

When we turn around and look back enough to see and honour them–EN MASSE, ALL OF US–not until then, can our Ancestors truly empower us to end this fake racism (which is merely a tool for GREED and SPIRITUAL CORRUPTNESS), and usher in perhaps the greatest era of knowledge and wisdom this planet has ever known.

Either you’re down or you’re not… but one way or another this system is coming down. Not today maybe, not tomorrow, but soon…

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dayo's mama, writer, web developer, orisha devotee, omo yemoja, dos aguas, apple addict, obsessive reader, sci-fi fan, blog pig, trini-bajan, book slut, second life entrepreneur, combermerian, baby mama, second life, music, music, music!

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Conan Gray
73 days ago
