Last night, is what can only be described as ’round two’.
As usual, Young Mr K checked me just after I got home, then he went back over to his house to shower, and press his clothes for work the next day. He said, “Give me an hour.”
He was back in twenty minutes.
We sat up and finished watching “Underworld”, which I had never seen, and had been watching when we spoke earlier. Then he talked me into watching, ‘at least part of’ “American Wedding”.
A part is right, because we we kissing and rolling around my bed in less than a half an hour. That time was different, more intense somehow; better, definitely better. So we lay there, talking after. Him stroking and pinching my cheeks, like a little baby.
He asked to look at my tongue ring, so I stuck my tongue out.
“You would make such a good lesbian.” He said, just a hint of laughter in his voice.
“What do you mean?” I asked, not sure how to take that. “I am attracted to men.”
“No, I mean, look at how far your tongue comes out. I can’t do that.” he said. “You would make some woman so happy.”
I laughed, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to make boys happy.”
We started kissing again, but we just took our time. He went outside to smoke a cigarette and to make a phone call, and when he came back, he curled up under my arm, and we just laid there and cuddled you know. What is most interesting is our conversation.
He brought me some of his stories to read, and they were pretty good. He has some talent as a writer, and I encouraged him to keep writing.
Later when we were sexing again, I whispered, “Do you like the way my pussy tastes?”
“Yes, it’s sweet, tastes like honey.” He groaned. “Pussy feels like honey too, sweet, sweet.”
In the heat of the moment, with both legs resting on his shoulders, he grabbed one of my feet and massaged it, then sucked, licked and kissed my toes. It was juicy-sweet and more erotic that I could have imagined. I have always wondered what it felt like. I came so hard, so fiercely, that I felt as though my scalp had been peeled back and exposed. The pleasure was so intense, everything went white hot and needle sharp.
So here I am, sitting in my apartment, waiting for him and his friend C to show up, as well as the padawan and her man, who are sleeping over so we can all get an early start tomorrow. I’m expecting some other friends to be passing through over the course of the weekend. My pussy is still throbbing and sensitive from last night, and if his friend C goes home early, and the padawan and her man take the next room, maybe we’ll see if we can go again tonight. I’m so game…. I feel like glutting myself on sex while I can get it.
I know my life rhythm up to this point, I go through these drought periods far too regularly.
That’s right, Young Mr K is coming up to Blanchisseuse with me and the gang tomorrow, and we’re going to lime and chill all weekend.
Last night, as we lay there in the dark, knowing that he’d have to get up and go home soon, he asked me so softly and sweetly, “Can I sleep with you this weekend?”
I giggled and whispered back, “I hope you will.”
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