May 5, 2024


My ADHD Diagnosis

It wasn’t five months ago. It wasn’t even five years ago. I was seven… I was being sent to a very private exclusive elementary school. It was 1983. I had been wandering...

I Cannot Hide My Face

I walk into the bodega and place my order. Dude watches me out of the corner of his eye for a second, then “Are you related to Mansa?” The water sprung out my eyes and I...

Aguanile Mai Mai

For me sometimes getting things going is the hardest part. My ADHD will keep me rooted to one spot, afraid of being judged for needing help. But I’m old enough now, I’ve...

Getting Going

Above is a snapshot of my last 3D build. I have been working to build an independent content studio since March 2017. What is a content studio? What it means is...

Chopped Onion

Dayo: So just toss in the onions? Mami: Yes, but that’s way too much. Dayo: No it’s not. Mami: Sir, it will be all onions. Dayo: I love the taste of onions. Mami: So do...

That Second Shot

I am having a moment. I just opened the door and suddenly realised, “Dayo! You’re taller!” Immediately followed by the internal thought, “When is he going to slow down...